How to choose the suitable Shopify theme?

Shopify has proven itself as one of the most popular and amazing eCommerce platform worldwide. Many websites are now being developed in Shopify platform and its popularity has been increasing consistently. If you're setting up a store with Shopify, one of the first step is to choose a right and suitable Shopify theme. If you are ready to develop a store on Shopify, your website has to looking nice. And a right and suitable theme will do the job. The quality of the theme is a huge selling point for the platform as it attracts the people and encourages them to stay on the website for long. When the website looks attractive, visitors generally enjoy staying there for long. That is why it is important to choose a right theme.

In this blog we will discuss how to choose the suitable and attractive Shopify theme. So let us begin!

1. Be clear about the functions you need
The basic step is to know what functionality you are going to need. There are many different themes available but it is equally important to understand that not all the themes offer the same functionality. A theme might look attractive but if it doesn't offer the functions that you’re store needs, then it is of almost no use. A beautiful looking theme is important but it is not the only thing that you should look for in a theme. The functionality of your Shopify theme is equally important if your focus is on achieving targeted sales in the long run.

2. Choose the right images
Functionality and the look of the website goes hand-in-hand. How your store looks is very important and really effects it's performance. Images play a huge role in making the site more attractive and beautiful-looking. If your images aren't of better quality, style and tone, your store might look dull and boring. By changing the old images with the new ones of better quality, you can change the complete look of your website and make it more attractive and interesting. It is also clear that images convey a message in a clearer and fun way.

3. Understand your content
Content always plays an important role in each and every website. Content also contains the photos that you add in your website. Sometimes when you use big size images, the site might become slower.  In such case, choose something simpler. If the home page has a blog post and you don't want a blog, skip that theme. Images and text should be clear enough but not too big in size because the slow loading site is a big no-no.

4. Check out the Theme Document
If you're going to do most of the work on your Shopify store yourself then you will be heavily dependent upon the documentation that is provided with the theme. This is essentially an instruction  manual that tells you how to get the most out of your theme and configure it in the way you want. Once you've found 2-3 themes that you like it's well worth looking at the theme documentation.

5. Settle on a budget
The prices of Shopify theme varies from free to almost $200. Theme store currently offers 21 Shopify themes to run for free. Although free themes are nice and there is nothing wrong with them but if you can afford the paid ones, it's much better to go for a premium theme.

6. Know your developer
You should be very clear in picking the right Shopify theme for your store but pay equal attention to the reputation of the developer. Well-rated and quality themes designed by an expert developer helps ensure that your theme works are intended. Make sure that the support offered is consistent and beneficial.

as we know every business is different and you can't use a single theme for all the businesses. The themes have to select and applied on the basis of type of the business you own. The only person who can make a decision on the perfect theme for your Shopify store is you so make sure that you choose the right theme for your business/store.

In the blog above we discussed about how to choose the suitable Shopify theme for your website. Once go through these points, be clear what are the necessities and important points to keep in mind. If you have any queries or questions, feel free to ask. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. This is the best operating system. Here anyone earn money easily. shopify


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