WordPress and Laravel Integration - A Fine Way to Manage Your Website

Laravel is an open source PHP structure articulated for the development of MVC or model view controller web applications. It is highly popular for its striking and stylish syntax. Its source code is available from GitHub. The framework is designed with special care which makes writing the code syntax simple yet expressive. Laravel 5.0 introduces a fresh application configuration to the Laravel project that is default made. This new structure serves as a better foundation for building robust structures in Laravel as well as embraces new auto loading structure in the application.

For a Laravel & WordPress Integration one needs to follow the below mentioned ways to ensure a smooth working.

WordPress Corcel

Corcel uses Laravel Eloquent models to manage contents which are retrieved directly from one’s WordPress database. Once installed, one can use the comfortable syntax one is used to. For example

// All published posts

$posts  =  Post: :published() - > get()

$posts  =  Post: :status(‘publish’) - > get()

// A specific post

$post  =  Post : :find(31)

It includes support for posts, post types, categorizations, pages, groupings, and supplements. The only existing problem is that the package is still under development.


Information from a Wordpress.com blog can be synced by WordpressToLaravel. It is designed to run as a scheduled core job through Laravel Scheduler. Automatic download, import, and posting of data will be done thereby with the local database.

Once the download and setup are completed it is a step towards Laravel blog integration and users can build their own models, controllers, and views to integrate with their database. Some of the advantages of developing the wordpress.com system are that they spontaneously handle WordPress upgrades, assets CDN and contents which can be made supplementary through the website, and applications of the mobile or desktops.

The only problem with this package is that it is limited to post data and doesn’t support categories or tags.

WP Eloquent

WP Eloquent is a package that creates a binding for WordPress database tables. It includes prototypes for posts, comments, Post meta, User, and User meta.

WP Eloquent also works with the Laravel DebugBar but is not known to create any extra database connections.


Laravel-WP-API assimilates straight with the WordPress JSON REST API for sites that are self-hosted. After the installation procedure is complete one has access to a WP API based on which the access and query for data become very easy.

Other Methods of Integrating WordPress and Laravel

Of course, the above mentioned packages are not the only ways to integrate a WordPress website with Laravel.  Below discussed are some methods allowing manual integration as well.

WordPress is built on top of Laravel and Symfony components and utilizes WordPress as a key factor to depend on, through PHP composer. Artisan is the name of the command line interface included with Laravel. It provides a number of supportive guidelines for use while the application gets developed.

Some of these include:

  • Using WordPress with Lumen
  • Setting Up a Laravel Api with a WordPress backend
  • Using Laravel 4+ Eloquent with WordPress.
During Laravel blog integration one tends to make the most common mistake of using the same design for Laravel application. It looks pretty simple and obvious a solution but it is not advisable to do so since a number of WordPress features like navigation, widgets etc. are not static and using the same design could create a serious problem.

Change in the WordPress theme requires a change in the design as well.  Every time the WordPress content changes, one has to adjust the Laravel application as well which is quite disturbing for the users.

Laravel customization works in a specific way. It is essentially the best in weaving modern applications. It occupies a toolbox which is well fabricated and allows developers to write less code with less risk of error. It is a completely modular structure which makes it really easy to add all the features in the modules. There is the availability of unique features like pagination that is automatic in nature, routing system, unit testing, etc. Laravel helps developers to create their own infrastructure for various applications.

Laravel makes implementing authentication very simple. In fact, almost everything is configured out of the box. The authentication configuration file can be traced at config/auth.php., containing several well-recognized options for tweaking the behavior of authentication services. By default, Laravel uses an App/User directory. The model may be used with the default eloquent driver.

A note to remember in this matter is when the database scheme for this model is built the password column should be of at least sixty characters. Also before getting started, it is important to make sure that users or equivalent table contain a nullable string column of hundred characters.  This column is utilized for storing a token for “remember me” sessions which the application maintains.

Laravel performs with two controllers related with authentication. The auto-controller handles new user registration and login facilities, while the password controller comprises of the logic to help existing users in resetting their passwords. Each of these controllers uses particular features to include their necessary methods for many applications. One may not need to modify these controllers at all. One is free to customize these views as however, they prefer.


The whole idea of the process is to generate a better working experience with an amalgamation of the best feature of both the services one that provides a high quality website development experience as well as the smoothness in application development.


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