WordPress and Laravel Integration - A Fine Way to Manage Your Website
Laravel is an open source PHP structure articulated for the development of MVC or model view controller web applications. It is highly popular for its striking and stylish syntax. Its source code is available from GitHub. The framework is designed with special care which makes writing the code syntax simple yet expressive. Laravel 5.0 introduces a fresh application configuration to the Laravel project that is default made. This new structure serves as a better foundation for building robust structures in Laravel as well as embraces new auto loading structure in the application. For a Laravel & WordPress Integration one needs to follow the below mentioned ways to ensure a smooth working. WordPress Corcel Corcel uses Laravel Eloquent models to manage contents which are retrieved directly from one’s WordPress database. Once installed, one can use the comfortable syntax one is used to. For example // All published posts $posts = Post: :published() - > get() $pos...